The Grim Reaper

The Adventures of the Grim Reaper
Page was last updated: 01.22.00
Grim Reaper vs. GT3000 (04/98)
This message sent by: George Dumpit
Adventures of the Grim Reaper (Reaper vs. Mitsubishi GT3000 twin turbo)
A guy name Rahim, here at work, bought a GT 3000 last year and Charles Chan has
been egging him on to get into a little street action with the Grim Reaper since
he bought it. Being that Charles has kinda made a legacy of the Grim Reaper, this
guy wouldn't accept the challenge. At least until this afternoon....
On my way out of the company parking lot, I noticed a dark green GT3000 zipping
around the bend on the access road. Hmmm.... could it be Rahim? I get on it and
follow him through the apex. I could see the whites of his eyes, as he stared
in bewilderment in his rear view mirror, as this mid-size American car sticks
with him through the turn. We hit the straight a way, and he accelerates. I'm
tailing him like Snoopy did the Red Baron, just waiting for the kill... ;-) We
come up to the light, and yes it is Rahim. He's grinning from ear to ear and waving
to me. It appeared that he was waving me off, as if to tell me that he didn't
want to race. I thought ok, I know that I can at least keep up with him, but just
in case, I kept my right hand on the shifter. The light turned green and we both
eased off of the line. I guess that Rahim had built up confidence in the ability
of his GT since first purchasing it, because the next thing I know he's on it
and I'm seeing condensation spitting out of his tailpipes. What... I'm seeing
tailpipes!?! Dude, what's wrong with this picture.. ;-) I instinctively push the
button on the shifter and slam it back. The R's scream to redline, and I bang
into second. Whoa... the Reaper pitches a little sideways as the posi twist both
tires in unison. As soon as the rubber hooked onto the pavement, the Reaper starts
to pull hard. It was my turn to show a little tailpipe, and a little roar of Chevy
Thunder! I just love the look on the faces of the unsuspecting victims of the
Grim Reaper... ;-) I waved to Rahim as I flew by him. I looked into my rear view
mirror, and he gave me a flash of his headlights and backed off. I also let off
of the accelerator, as I was going just a tad (well maybe more than a tad) over
the speed limit. Aaawwww, Whataaaa Ruuussshhh! ;-)
86'SS ~ California Emissions Legal 383/TH700-R4 ~ aka 'The Grim Reaper'